• The stories of God’s victories are full of surprises! He is with people who face battles, and He’ll use anything—sticky mud, water from a river, a handful of smooth stones, chariots of fire—to triumph. God is powerful, and He is always victorious. In this series, we’ll dive into the victorious stories of Deborah and Barak, David, Elisha and Naaman, and Elisha and an army of angels!

  • "Here is what I am commanding you to do. Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the LORD your God. I will be with you everywhere you go." Joshua 1:9

    "Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. God will be with you wherever you go."

    —from Joshua 1:9 **Early Childhood

  • 1. How could God work through our family to make a difference in our community or neighborhood? Our church, our school, our workplaces?

    2. What do you think it means that God is always victorious?

    3. What are some things God has done in your life? In our family?

  • Old Testament Blessings: God’s people who we read about in exciting stories of victory, and even Jesus Himself, would have grown up hearing traditional blessings spoken over them. Start a new bedtime habit—put your hand on your child’s forehead and read the words of an Old Testament blessing, such as Numbers 6:24–26 or Psalm 34:8.

    Drawing Scripture: Take out the crayons or colored pencils and read a Bible verse or short passage together. (The Psalms are a great place to start!) Read it a second time, encouraging each family member to pay attention to a word or phrase that stands out to them. Then invite everyone to draw a picture of that word or phrase. Share your pictures!

Weekly Lesson: Parent Engagement 


Weekly Lesson: Parent Engagement  *