On average, each of us has 8 to 15 people who God has supernaturally and strategically placed in our relational world so that He might use us to both demonstrate and discuss faith. The Greeks used one word to describe our personal world- OIKOS, or “extended household.”

OIKOS, or our 8-15 extended network of relationships, is not a program, an event, or an emphasis. It’s about living our faith authentically and inviting others to experience the transformative power of God’s love. By focusing on those we already have relationships with, we can make a meaningful impact.

Your 8-15 might include:

+ The clerk at the grocery store where you shop every week

+ The server at your favorite restaurant

+ The person you keep running into 

+ The neighbor you take a walk with 

The 8-15 principle encourages us to intentionally invest in these relationships, sharing our faith through genuine connection and love. Jesus exemplified this principle by spending time with people in their everyday environments, meeting them where they were. Similarly, we are called to be a positive influence within our own 8-15, demonstrating Christ’s love through our actions and words.  What if you were intentional about loving your 8-15 and helping them come to know God better? Think about who God has placed in your life for this season. Maybe it’s a person far from God and has not yet placed their faith in Jesus. Maybe it's a Christ follower who is not actively pursuing their faith. Or someone you are just getting to know… 

You can make a difference right where you are, living out God’s love in your 8-15.